Outsourcing of the marketing department
In response to market needs, we are aware that not all companies have the time or resources to properly manage all marketing activities, so in Adimex we become the marketing department of our clients, working for the needs of each one, developing the overall General Marketing Plan and generating value for the company.
You will achieve greater work capacity and knowledge in the marketing field, increasing your competitiveness by improving time management and achieving cost savings.
We implement, monitor and analyze this plan to maximize the benefits of our clients and to continue improving their performance through the effectiveness and efficiency of its key business processes.
The Market Accompaniment implies:
SWOT analysis: analysis of the situation and potential of the company.
The study and analysis of buying habits and the market so as to meet current and future needs of our clients to redefine policies and strategies for future actions thus taking advantage of the competitive environment.
Constantly new entrants and threats can affect the business, we take care of their identification.
The search and acceptance by small segments is a decisive factor for the brand, this is due to strong attachment to the product and brand by such consumers.
Assessing the potential and interest of the same. With this a series of objectives to be met will be established, identifying and executing marketing strategies best suited to the company.
We plan periodic actions always consistent with available resources.
Execution of all previously planned actions.
Measurement and control of all results, ensuring that the investment in marketing and communication reported a profit for your company.
Para poder dar seguimiento a estas estrategias de marketing que se proponen, es necesario realizar un plan de Marketing operativo en el cual se requiere una puesta en marcha de estas estrategias a través de acciones activas de la gestión del marketing que se concretan en decisiones relativas a las variables que engloba la política de marketing mix, trabajando principalmente sobre los siguientes factores:
- Estudio de la ubicación y características de los punto de venta.
- Búsqueda y renovación continua de nuevos canales de distribución.
- Búsqueda, selección y gestión de los mejores servicios de logística para cada compra, garantizando así la calidad y puntualidad en las entregas.
- Organización y realización de todo tipo de eventos comerciales.
- Gestión de acciones de publicidad y comunicación en todo tipo de medios.
- Adecuación de las acciones de publicidad al entorno.
- Análisis continuo de los medios de comunicación buscando los más adecuados para su empresa.
- Diseño y ejecución de campañas de marketing mediante el empleo de nuevas tecnologías de la información y medios globales.
- Gestión y adecuación al cliente, de los procesos que implican los servicios de su empresa.
- Facilitación de búsqueda de información del producto mediante la adecuación del posicionamiento en los motores de búsqueda.
Market studies
Conducting market research is the most useful tools to understand the market and its variables and preparing the company for the challenges they will meet.
Conducting market research studies includes the following services, adapted to the needs of each client.
- Identification of the demand.
- SWOT analysis.
- Analysis of the competition and substitute products.
- Analysis of the competitive advantages of the product in comparison to those currently marketed and the selection of a range of products with the greatest potential.
- Identifying the most appropriate distribution channels.
- Price analysis and identification and assessment of entry barriers.
- Search and selection of the ideal customer profile.
Corporate social responsibility
In Adimex we are aware that in recent times it is not only sufficient to sell, but it is necessary to maintain ethical responsibility ties to our environment.
There should be coherence between public commitments and to business strategies, because otherwise this would be a mere action to manage the reputation of your business.
In Adimex we create and manage a plan of Corporate Social Responsibility adapting to the needs and characteristics of each client working on the following aspects.
- Human rights.
- Labour and employment practices.
- Health protection.
- Environmental issues.
- The fight against fraud and corruption.
- Consumer interests.
Organizing events
- Planning business events. Bla bla bla
- Conventions.
- Introducing new products.
- Stands at fairs.
- Presentation acts.
- Company celebrations and all kinds of corporate events.
Social media
Companies present in social networks receive more interest, the presence in them builds trust, achieving improved corporate reputation.
In Adimex we manage all necessary actions to carry out a successful campaign in Social Media, adapting to the needs of each client.
- Selection of the most appropriate social networks.
- Management of social networks, blogs and Web 2.0.
- The online reputation of your company.
- Identifying our target profile.
- Generating and disseminating relevant content on the network.
- Feedback collection and transmission to the company.
- Management of posts and comments.
- Developing responses to customers under the supervision of the company.
- Periodical reporting on the evolution of the campaign.
Video Marketing
Video marketing is one of the keys to getting a clearer and closer image of your company and product.
- Making corporate video.
- Making commercials.
- Event recording.
- Selection of the most appropriate communication channels.
- Adaptation of the videos to the marketing strategy.
- Web Design and positioning.
- Corporate Web Pages.
- Positioning SEO / SEM.
Web design and positioning
- Corporate Web Pages.
- Positioning SEO / SEM.